Logitech M905 Mouse

WithLogitech(R)DarkfieldLaserTracking(TM),youcanuseyourmousevirtuallyanywhereyouwant-includingclearglass(that'satleast4mmthick)andhigh ...,有了LogitechDarkfieldLaserTracking™,您便擁有暢行各種表面的絕佳精準度。這代表即使是光學滑鼠及一般雷射滑鼠無...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Logitech Unveils Mice That Work Where Others Fail

With Logitech(R) Darkfield Laser Tracking(TM), you can use your mouse virtually anywhere you want - including clear glass (that's at least 4 mm thick) and high ...

LOGI羅技M950 無線充電雷射玻璃滑鼠(飛速滾輪上下頁)

有了Logitech Darkfield Laser Tracking™,您便擁有暢行各種表面的絕佳精準度。這代表即使是光學滑鼠及一般雷射滑鼠無法發揮作用的透明玻璃(厚度至少4 mm) 和上漆桌面,也不 ...

LOGI羅技M905 2代2.4G雷射玻璃滑鼠(Unifying 1對6無線技術)

已售完 DarkField Laser Tracking 讓您能在絕大部分表面上體驗絕對精準的游標控制,即使是在光學和標準雷射滑鼠無法應付的玻璃桌面上(厚度最小4 毫米),也能順暢運作。

'Darkfield' Lasers Let Mice Track on Glass

Logitech's new technology Darkfield Laser Tracking, optical pointing devices could work on metal, plastic, glass or any other straight, solid surface.

Darkfield laser tracking gives you flawless control on virtually any ...

7 天前 · Darkfield laser tracking gives you flawless control on virtually any surface, including glass and high-gloss surfaces.


A new optical mouse that uses a technique called dark-field laser tracking. Using two lasers and avoiding their reflected light while collecting light that ...

[PDF] Logitech - Darkfield Laser Tracking

To achieve dark field illumination, Logitech mice with Darkfield Laser Tracking use two lasers to more effectively collect microscopic details ...

Logitech unveils two new mice with Darkfield Laser Tracking

To track on glass (that is at least 4mm thick), Logitech Darkfield reportedly uses dark field microscopy to detect microscopic particles and ...

'Darkfield' Lasers Let Mice Track On Glass

The new lasers actually peer inside the glass and reveal its microscopic imperfections. The result is that these two new mice, the Performance ...

Logitech MX Master Darkfield Laser Test on Glass Surface

... DarkField laser to the test. Logitech claims it can track through glass, and if you've ever worked in an office with lovely glass or glass ...


WithLogitech(R)DarkfieldLaserTracking(TM),youcanuseyourmousevirtuallyanywhereyouwant-includingclearglass(that'satleast4mmthick)andhigh ...,有了LogitechDarkfieldLaserTracking™,您便擁有暢行各種表面的絕佳精準度。這代表即使是光學滑鼠及一般雷射滑鼠無法發揮作用的透明玻璃(厚度至少4mm)和上漆桌面,也不 ...,已售完DarkFieldLaserTracking讓您能在絕大部分表面上體驗絕對精準的游標控制,即使是在光學和標準雷射...